Selling Price: $9,175/acre
Sale Date: Friday, November 10, 2017 10:00 AM
Sale Location: Spencer Golf and Country Club, 2200 West 18th St., Spencer, IA
2 miles west of Spencer on Hwy. 18 and 1 mile north on 200th Ave.
The East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E 1/2 SE 1/4) of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Ninety-seven (97) North, Range Thirty-seven (37) West of the 5th P.M., Clay County, Iowa.
Tillable Acres: 81.3 ac.
Corn Base: 56.2 ac.
Corn DD/CC Yield: 118/118 bu.
Soybean Base: 24.3 ac.
Soybean DD/CC Yield: 38/38 bu.
Taxable Acres: 77.0 ac.
Taxes: $1,750 Annually
10% earnest money down day of sale. Balance due at closing on or before December 14, 2012. Real estate taxes to be prorated to December 31, 2012. Possession will be given upon closing. All final bids are subject to approval of Seller.
Midwest Land Management is pleased to be auctioning this attractive, all-tillable Clay County farm for Ann Fouts. The farm is in a good state of production and has been very well farmed and managed. Located within 3 miles of Spencer, this farm provides great access to local grain marketing opportunities. Give us a call today regarding any questions you may have on this farm. We look forward to seeing you at the auction.
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