Property Location
3.5 miles north of Malvern, Iowa on L63 (315th Street) & 1 mile east on Hutchings Avenue.
Legal Description
The South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S½ NW¼), the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW¼ NE¼), the Southeast Quarter (SE¼), part the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (Pt. E½ SW¼) and part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (Pt. NW¼ SW¼), ALL in Section Four (4), Township Seventy-two (72) North, Range Forty-one (41) West of the 5th P.M., Mills County, Iowa.
FSA Information
Cropland Acres: 342.13
Corn Base: 51.67 acres / PLC Yield: 161 bushels
Corn Base: 140.80 acres/ PLC Yield: 164 bushels
Soybean Base: 44.72 acres / PLC Yield: 47 bushels
Soybean Base: 91.90 acres / PLC Yield: 48 bushels
Marshall, Judson, Dow, Exira, Kennebec, Strahan & Colo-Judson
Surety/Agridata Avg
Average CSR2: 76.8
Average CSR1: 68.2
Real Estate Taxes
Listing Agent
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