Property Location
5½ miles south of Hartley, Iowa on Vine Avenue.
Legal Description
The East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E½ SE¼) of Section Thirty-one (31), Township Ninety-six (96) North, Range Thirty-nine (39) West of the 5th P.M., O'Brien County, Iowa excluding a 7.21 acre surveyed tract.
FSA Information
Cropland Acres: 67.79
Corn Base: 47.20 acres / PLC Yield: 159
Soybean Base: 20.59 acres / PLC Yield: 47
Sac, Primghar, Marcus and Galva
Surety/Agridata Avg
Avg. CSR2: 95
Avg. CSR1: 72.6
Real Estate Taxes
Listing Agent
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