Land Buyers, here is an outstanding opportunity to purchase hard-to-find, high-quality farmland at public auction! This Osceola County farm is ideally located on Highway 9 and only 2 miles from a strong grain market! The Meyer farm has a lease in place for the 2024 crop season with the new buyer receiving the income from the September and December payments. We look forward to seeing you at the auction!
Property Location
1 mile south of Harris, Iowa on M20 and 1 mile east on Highway 9.
Legal Description
Tract 1 (73.16 Surveyed Acres) - Parcel G in the North Half of the Southeast Quarter (N½ SE¼) of Section Thirty-five (35), Township One Hundred (100) North, Range Thirty-nine (39) West of the 5th P.M., Osceola County, Iowa. Exact legal to be taken from survey.
Tract 2 (73.14 Surveyed Acres) - Parcel H in the South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S½ SE¼) of Section Thirty-five (35), Township One Hundred (100) North, Range Thirty-nine (39) West of the 5th P.M., Osceola County, Iowa. Exact legal to be taken from survey.
FSA Information
FSA Information for Tracts 1 & 2 Combined
Cropland Acres: 141.80
Corn Base: 73.3 acres / PLC Yield: 157
Soybean Base: 68.3 acres / PLC Yield: 41
Tract 1: Waldorf, Nicollet, Clarion, Webster, Canisteo, Okoboji, Crippin, Clarion-Storden and Knoke
Tract 2: Waldorf, Canisteo, Crippin, Nicollet, Knoke and Clarion
Surety/Agridata Avg
Tract 1 Avg. CSR2: 80.2
Tract 1 Avg. CSR1: 66.1
Tract 2 Avg. CSR2: 71.4
Tract 2 Avg. CSR1: 60.6
Real Estate Taxes
Tract 1: $1,706 est.
Tract 2: $1,532 est.
Method of Sale
Successful bidder will have choice of tracts.
10% down day of sale. Balance due at closing on or before July 9, 2024. Real estate taxes to be prorated to June 30, 2024. The farm has a lease in place for the 2024 crop season with the new buyer receiving the income from the September and December payments. Farm to be surveyed prior to the sale and sold based on surveyed acres. All final bids are subject to seller approval.
Listing Agent
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