Land buyers, take note of these high quality Clay County farms located in Douglas Township. If you have been looking for high quality farms, these will certainly grab your attention. The farms have been in the Carlson family for multiple generations and would make an excellent long term investment in Iowa Farmland. Make plans to attend the auction in person or online on November 6th; we look forward to seeing you at the auction.
Property Location
Tracts 1 - 3 are located 2 miles north of Linn Grove, Iowa on 170th Avenue and 1 mile east on Highway 10.
Tract 4 is located 1 mile north of Linn Grove, Iowa on 170th Avenue and 1/2 mile east on 510th Street.
Legal Description
Tract 1 (80 Acres m/l) - The North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N½ NE¼) of Section Thirty-three (33), Township Ninety-four (94) North, Range Thirty-seven (37) West of the 5th P.M., Clay County, Iowa.
Tract 2 (79.73 Surveyed Acres) - The North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N½ NW¼) of Section Thirty-three (33), Township Ninety-four (94) North, Range Thirty-seven (37) West of the 5th P.M., Clay County, Iowa.
Tract 3 (79.32 Surveyed Acres) - The South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S½ NW¼) of Section Thirty-three (33), Township Ninety-four (94) North, Range Thirty-seven (37) West of the 5th P.M., Clay County, Iowa.
Tract 4 (74 Acres m/l) - The East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E½ SW¼) of Section Thirty-two (32), Township Ninety-four (94) North, Range Thirty-seven (37) West of the 5th P.M., Clay County, Iowa excepting Parcel E.
FSA Information
Tracts 1-3 Combined
Cropland Acres: 220.74
Corn Base: 154.62 acres / PLC Yield: 160
Soybean Base: 65.61 acres / PLC Yield: 45
Tract 4
Cropland Acres: 73.63
Corn Base: 51.58 acres / PLC Yield: 160
Soybean Base: 21.89 / PLC Yield: 45
Tract 1: McCreath, Ransom and Sac
Tract 2: McCreath, Ransom, Gillett Grove and Sac
Tract 3: Gillett Grove, Ransom and McCreath
Tract 4: Sac, Gillett Grove, Everly, Coland-Terril, Afton and McCreath
Surety/Agridata Avg
Tract 1 Avg. CSR2: 96.5
Tract 1 Avg. CSR1: 81.1
Tract 2 Avg. CSR2: 96
Tract 2 Avg. CSR1: 80.8
Tract 3 Avg. CSR2: 95.3
Tract 3 Avg. CSR1: 80.3
Tract 4 Avg. CSR2: 92
Tract 4 Avg. CSR1: 68.2
Real Estate Taxes
Tract 1: $2,492
Tract 2: $2,563 est.
Tract 3: $2,541 est.
Tract 4: $2,402
Method of Sale
Successful bidder will have choice of tracts.
10% down day of sale. Balance due at closing on or before December 18, 2024. Real estate taxes to be prorated to December 31, 2024. Sellers to retain 100% of the 2024 income. Farm to have an open lease for the 2025 crop year. All final bids subject to seller approval.
Listing Agent
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