What a great opportunity to own some great farms near the City of Worthington, MN. The Schuck farms offer choice of two great inside tracts of land with highly tillable soils. These farms have been well cared for by the family and their tenant for decades. Don’t miss this opportunity to bid on a choice of two great farms on November 7th.
Property Location
Tract 1 is located 4 miles southwest of Brewster, MN on Highway 60 and 1 1/2 miles north on Sundberg Avenue.
Tract 2 is adjacent to the airport in Worthington, MN and is located 1/2 mile north of Interstate 90 on Highway 59 and 3/4 mile east on 27th Street N.
Legal Description
Tract 1 (80 Acres m/l) The North Half of the Southeast Quarter (N½ SE¼) of Section Thirty-two (32), Township One Hundred Three (103) North, Range Thirty-nine (39) West of the 5th P.M., Nobles County, MN.
Tract 2 (71 Acres m/l): The East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E½ SE¼) excluding 4.96 acres in the Northeast corner and except 4 acres in the Southeast Quarter in Section Twelve (12), Township One Hundred Two (102) North, Range Forty (40) West of the 5th P.M., Nobles County, MN.
FSA Information
Tract 1 Cropland Acres: 79.11
Corn Base: 39.30 acres / PLC Yield: 163
Soybean Base: 39.80 acres / PLC Yield: 46
Tract 2 Cropland Acres: 68.32
Corn Base: 35.50 acres / PLC Yield: 115
Soybean Base: 32.80 acres / PLC Yield: 43
Tract 1: Nicollet, Webster, Okoboji, Canisteo, Clarion, Crippin-Nicollet
Tract 2: Waldorf and Ocheda
Surety/Agridata Avg
Tract 1 Productivity Index: 94.9
Tract 2 Productivity Index: 87.4
See attached Tile Maps.
Real Estate Taxes
Tract 1: $4,330
Tract 2: $2,785
Method of Sale
Successful bidder will have choice of tracts.
10% down day of sale. Balance due at closing on or before December 19, 2024. Farms will have an open lease for 2025. Real estate taxes to be prorated to December 31, 2024. All final bids are subject to seller approval. MN License 32-24-002
Listing Agent
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