Property Location
Located southwest of Marathon, Iowa at the intersection of Highway 10 and County Road M54.
Legal Description
The South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S½ SE¼) and a parcel in the South Half of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter (S½ N½ SE¼) containing 22.49 surveyed acres, all in Section Twenty (20), Township Ninety-three (93) North, Range Thirty-five (35) West of the 5th P.M., Buena Vista County, Iowa except Lot E in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE¼ SE¼).
FSA Information
Cropland Acres: 93.66
Corn Base: 90.9 / PLC Yield: 148
Clarion, Canisteo, Nicollet, Webster, Harps and Okkoboji
Surety/Agridata Avg
Avg. CSR2: 84.3
Avg. CSR: 74
Real Estate Taxes
Listing Agent
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