245 Acres Palo Alto County, Iowa, IA - Lost Island Township


245 Acres Palo Alto County, Iowa, IA - Lost Island Township


Price Per Acre: $11,000 per acre

Documents and Maps

Property Location

3 miles east of Terril, Iowa on A48 and 2 miles south on 340th Avenue.

Legal Description

Fractional West Half (W 1/2) of Section Six (6), Township Ninety-seven (97) North, Range Thirty-four (34) West of the 5th P.M., Palo Alto County, Iowa

FSA Information

Total Acres: 245 ac. m/l

Cropland Acres: 233.6 acres

Corn Base: 170.5 acres

Corn DD/CC Yield: 117/117 bu.

Soybean Base: 57.5 acres

Soybean DD/CC Yield: 37/37 bu.


Nicollet, Clarion, and Canisteo

Surety/Agridata Avg. CSR1


Real Estate Taxes

Taxable Acres: 246.28 ac.

Taxes: $6,654 Annually (2013-2014)


Possession upon closing. Subject to a lease for 2013.


Midwest Land Management is pleased to be selling this all-tillable, highly-productive farm in Palo Alto County. Give us a call today to discuss the possibilities of owning this Iowa farm.

Listing Agent

For More Information Contact: 712-262-3110

Listing Agent

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