Price: $575.00
From Milford, Iowa, go 3 miles south on Highway 71 and 1 mile west on County Road A43.
The Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section 35, Township Ninety-eight (98) North, Range Thirty-seven (37) West of the 5th P.M., Dickinson County, Iowa, excluding two surveyed acreages and an additional house and acreage to be surveyed and retained by sellers.
Total Acres: 135 ac. m/l
Cropland Acres: 111.50 acres (including CRP)
CRP Acres: 27.3 acres; Annual CRP Payment: $2547; CRP Contract Expires: 9/30/20
Corn Base: 51.8 acres
Corn DD/CC Yield: 103/122 bu.
Soybean Base: 32.4 acres
Soybean DD/CC Yield: 32/38 bu.
Wadena, Everly, Coland-Spillville, Hawick, and Estherville
Taxable Acres: 133.99ac.
Taxes: $1,100 Annually
Midwest Land Management is pleased to be selling this farm that is located on a hardsurfaced road near several local grain markets. Farm is subject to a cash rent lease for 2014. Give us a call today to discuss the possibilities of owning this Iowa farm.
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