135 ACRES Dickinson County, Iowa, IA - Okoboji Township


135 ACRES Dickinson County, Iowa, IA - Okoboji Township


Price: $575.00

Documents and Maps

Property Location

From Milford, Iowa, go 3 miles south on Highway 71 and 1 mile west on County Road A43.

Legal Description

The Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section 35, Township Ninety-eight (98) North, Range Thirty-seven (37) West of the 5th P.M., Dickinson County, Iowa, excluding two surveyed acreages and an additional house and acreage to be surveyed and retained by sellers.

FSA Information

Total Acres: 135 ac. m/l

Tract 2 FSA Information

Cropland Acres: 111.50 acres (including CRP)

CRP Acres: 27.3 acres; Annual CRP Payment: $2547; CRP Contract Expires: 9/30/20

Corn Base: 51.8 acres

Corn DD/CC Yield: 103/122 bu.

Soybean Base: 32.4 acres

Soybean DD/CC Yield: 32/38 bu.


Wadena, Everly, Coland-Spillville, Hawick, and Estherville

Surety/Agridata Avg. CSR2


Surety/Agridata Avg. CSR1


Real Estate Taxes

Taxable Acres: 133.99ac.

Taxes: $1,100 Annually


Midwest Land Management is pleased to be selling this farm that is located on a hardsurfaced road near several local grain markets. Farm is subject to a cash rent lease for 2014. Give us a call today to discuss the possibilities of owning this Iowa farm.

Listing Agent

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