80 ACRES Clay County, Iowa, IA - Meadow Township


80 ACRES Clay County, Iowa, IA - Meadow Township


Price: $696.00

Documents and Maps

Property Location

1-1/2 miles east of Fostoria, IA on B14.

Legal Description

The North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N 1/2 NE 1/4) of Section Eight (8), Township Ninety-Seven (97) North, Range Thirty-six (36) West of the 5th P.M., Clay County, Iowa.

FSA Information

Cropland Acres: 76.5 ac.

Corn Base: 45.3 ac.

PLC Corn Yield: 163 bu.

Soybean Base: 30.6 ac.

PLC Soybean Yield: 44 bu.


Everly, Wilmonton, and Letri

Surety/Agridata Avg. CSR2


Surety/Agridata Avg. CSR1


Real Estate Taxes

Taxes: $1738 Annually


Possession upon closing.


Attention land buyers, here is an excellent opportunity to purchase an attractive, quality Clay County 80. The Peterson farm has been well farmed and managed; the sellers would prefer a leaseback with the new owners. Investors, this is a great opportunity to invest in quality Iowa farmland.

Listing Agent

For More Information Contact: Ben Hollesen at 712-253-5779

Listing Agent

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