119 ACRES Buena Vista County, Iowa, IA - Elk Township


119 ACRES Buena Vista County, Iowa, IA - Elk Township


Price: $952.00

Documents and Maps

Property Location

5 miles north of Alta, Iowa on M-31 and 3 miles west on Highway 3.

Legal Description

The East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E 1/2 SE 1/4) and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE 1/4 NE 1/4) of Section Thirty (30), Township Ninety-two (92) North, Range Thirtyeight (38) West of the 5th P.M., Buena Vista County, Iowa.

FSA Information

Cropland Acres: 107.8 ac.

CRP Acres: 7.5 (3.2 acres at $243.60/acre expiring 9/30/2021, 4.3 acres at $196.57/acre expiring 9/30/2018)

Corn Base: 50.9 ac.

PLC Corn Yield: 170 bu.

Soybean Base: 37.6 ac.

PLC Soybean Yield: 40 bu.


Colo, Marcus, Primghar, Galva, Sac and Afton

Surety/Agridata Avg. CSR2


Surety/Agridata Avg. CSR1


Real Estate Taxes

Taxes: $1926 Annually


Possession upon closing.


Land Buyers, here is an excellent opportunity to purchase a productive Buena Vista County farm located on two hard surfaced roads, Highway 3 on the south and blacktop M-27 on the east. The Vohs farm has been well farmed and is in a good state of production. The lease is open for 2017 or the seller would rent the farm back. Don't miss your chance to purchase this Buena Vista County farm.

Listing Agent

For More Information Contact: Ben Hollesen at 712-253-5779

Listing Agent

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