153.22 Surveyed Acres - Selling in 2 Tracts O'Brien County, IA - Omega Township


153.22 Surveyed Acres - Selling in 2 Tracts O'Brien County, IA - Omega Township


Selling Price: Tract 1: $13,000 per acre, Tract 2: $13,000 per acre

Sale Date: Friday, November 30, 2018 10:00 AM

Sale Location: Hartley Community Center, 820 2nd Street NE, Hartley, Iowa

Documents and Maps


Midwest Land Management is pleased to be selling the Stamer Family Trust farms. What a rare opportunity to own such high-quality soils in the state of Iowa! These tracts offer a combined 98.1 CSR2 soil rating and are located on a hard surface road within close proximity of an ethanol plant. Make plans to attend this auction; farms with this high quality of soils don’t come for sale often. 


Property Location

3 miles east of Hartley, Iowa on Highway 18 and 2 miles south on Yew Avenue.

Legal Description

Tract 1: The North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N½ NE¼), Section Eleven (11), Township Ninety-six (96) North, Range Thirty-nine (39) West of the 5th P.M., O’Brien County, Iowa excepting a 6 acre acreage. Tract includes a 36' x 18' drying bin with 16,195 bushel capacity built in 1980. Exact legal to be taken from survey.

Tract 2: The South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S½ NE¼), Section Eleven (11), Township Ninety-six (96) North, Range Thirty-nine (39) West of the 5th P.M., O’Brien County, Iowa. Exact legal to be taken from survey.

FSA Information

Combined FSA Information for Tracts 1 & 2:   
  Cropland Acres: 149.03
  Corn Base: 81.0 acres     Corn PLC Yield: 151 bu.
  Soybean Base: 68.03 acres     Soybean PLC Yield: 56 bu.  



Tract 1: Primghar, Marcus, Galva, Ransom & Sperry
Tract 2: Primghar, Marcus, Ransom,  Galva & Sperry

Surety/Agridata Avg

Tract 1: 
Surety/AgriData Avg. CSR2: 98.2
Surety/AgriData Avg. CSR1: 77.6

Tract 2: 
Surety/AgriData Avg. CSR2: 97.9
Surety/AgriData Avg. CSR1: 78.3


Real Estate Taxes

Tract 1: $2,366
Tract 2: $2,586

Method of Sale

Successful bidder will have choice of Tract 1 and/or Tract 2.


10% earnest money down day of sale.  Balance due at closing on or before January 11, 2019.  Real estate taxes to be prorated to December 31, 2018.  Open lease for 2019. All final bids are subject to seller approval.

Listing Agent

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