Land buyers, don't miss this opportunity to purchase a hard-to-find, smaller tract of highly tillable productive farmland. This nice, square, inside 40 carries a very good CSR2 rating of 89 with only two reputation soil types. We look forward to seeing you in Ruthven on sale day.
Property Location
1/2 mile west of Ruthven, Iowa on Highway 18, 3 miles north on N18 and 1/4 mile west on 330th Street.
Legal Description
The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW¼ SW¼) of Section Thirty-six (36), Township Ninety-seven (97) North, Range Thirty-five (35) West of the 5th P.M., Clay County, Iowa.
FSA Information
Cropland Acres: 39.14
Corn Base: 29.02 acres / PLC Yield: 124
Soybean Base: 9.68 acres / PLC Yield: 36
Clarion and Nicollet
Surety/Agridata Avg
CSR2: 89
CSR1: 76.6
Real Estate Taxes
10% earnest money due day of sale. Balance due at closing on or before September 15, 2022. Real estate taxes to be prorated to June 30, 2022. Seller to retain half of the 2022 cash rent. Possession granted at closing, subjecct to tenant's rights of the 2022 cash rent lease. All final bids subject to seller approval.
Listing Agent
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