Property Location
3 miles south of Albert City, Iowa on N14 and 3½ miles west on 540th Street.
Legal Description
The East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E½ SW¼) lying south of the Drainage Ditch containing 70.13 acres m/l in Section Thirty-one (31), Township Ninety-two (92) North, Range Thirty-five (35) West of the 5th P.M., Buena Vista County, Iowa.
FSA Information
Cropland Acres: 67.60 including 3.4 CRP acres
Corn Base: 47.62 acres
Corn PLC Yield: 139
Soybean Base: 15.88 acres
Soybean PLC Yield: 42
CRP Acres: 3.4
Annual CRP Payment: $1,236 ($363.54/acre)
Contract Expiration: 9/30/2025
Clarion, Webster and Colo
Surety/Agridata Avg
Avg. CSR2: 85.8
Avg. CSR1: 73.7
Real Estate Taxes
Listing Agent
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