This is a great opportunity to buy your choice of 3 tracts - 75 acres, 80 acres, and 147 acres. These farms offer gently rolling landscape with excellent soils. They have been well cared for by the same tenant for many years and are in a great state of production. Don’t miss this opportunity in an area that land rarely becomes available at public auction.
Property Location
Tracts 1 & 2 are located 2 miles east of the intersection of Highways 7 and 71 just east of Storm Lake, Iowa and 1/2 mile north on 150th Avenue.
Tract 3 is located 4 miles east of the intersection of Highways 7 & 71 just east of Storm Lake, Iowa and 1/2 mile north on 170th Avenue.
Legal Description
Tract 1 (75 Acres m/l): The North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N½ NE¼) of Section Seventeen (17), Township Ninety (90) North, Range Thirty-six (36) West of the 5th P.M., Buena Vista County, Iowa except for the acreage in the Northeast Quarter containing 5.01 acres.
Tract 2 (80 Acres m/l): The South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S½ NE¼) of Section Seventeen (17), Township Ninety (90) North, Range Thirty-six (36) West of the 5th P.M., Buena Vista County, Iowa.
Tract 3 (147 Acres m/l): The Northwest Quarter (NW¼) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Ninety (90) North, Range Thirty-six (36) West of the 5th P.M., Buena Vista County, Iowa except the railroad right of way and except the 5.46 acre acreage in the Northwest corner.
FSA Information
Tracts 1 & 2 Combined
Cropland Acres: 151.90 acres
Corn Base: 76.60 acres / Corn PLC Yield: 170
Soybean Base: 73.20 acres / Corn PLC Yield: 46
Tract 3
Cropland Acres: 142.30 acres
Corn Base: 71.2 acres / Corn PLC Yield: 170
Soybean Base: 68.1 / Soybean PLC Yield: 46
Tract 1: Nicollet, Clarion, Webster, Waldorf
Tract 2: Webster, Nicollet, Clarion, Canisteo, Storden
Tract 3: Clarion, Canisteo, Nicollet, Webster, Waldorf, Okoboji, Hawick, Estherville
Surety/Agridata Avg
Tract 1 Avg. CSR2: 87.8
Tract 1 Avg. CSR1: 79.4
Tract 2 Avg. CSR2: 86.5
Tract 2 Avg. CSR1: 77.9
Tract 3 Avg. CSR2: 83.7
Tract 3 Avg. CSR1: 74
Real Estate Taxes
Tract 1: $2,862
Tract 2: $3,060
Tract 3: $4,782
Method of Bidding
Successful bidder will have choice of tracts.
10% down day of sale. Balance due at closing on or before April 4, 2024. Farms will have an open lease for the 2024 crop season. Buyer will reimburse the tenant for any tillage and fertilizer expenses for 2024 at closing. Real estate taxes prorated to December 31, 2023. All final bids subject to seller approval.
Listing Agent
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