39.76 Acres Emmet County, IA - Jack Creek Township


39.76 Acres Emmet County, IA - Jack Creek Township


Price: $546,700.00

Price Per Acre: $13,750 per acre

Documents and Maps

Property Location

3½ miles east of Graettinger, Iowa on B14 and 2 miles north on 460th Avenue.

Legal Description

Parcel B located in the West Half (W½) of Section Thirty (30), Township Ninety-eight (98) North, Range Thirty-two (32) West of the 5th P.M., Emmet County, Iowa containing 39.76 acres.

FSA Information

Cropland Acres: 39.72
Corn Base: 19.9 acres / PLC Yield: 170
Soybean base: 19.81 / PLC Yield: 46


Nicollet, Clarion, Canisteo, Webster, Harps and Okoboji

Surety/Agridata Avg

AgriData Avg. CSR2: 87.3
AgriData Avg. CSR1: 77.9

Real Estate Taxes


Listing Agent

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