178 Acres m/l Clay County, IA - Freeman Township

Land For Sale

178 Acres m/l Clay County, IA - Freeman Township

Price: $1,513,000.00

Documents and Maps

Property Location

Directly north of Dickens, Iowa on 280th Avenue.

Legal Description

The Southwest Quarter (SW¼) of Section Seven (7), Township Ninety-six (96) North, Range Thirty-five (35) West of the 5th P.M., Clay County, Iowa.

FSA Information

Cropland Acres: 140.04 including 137.84 CRP Acres

Total Annual CRP Payments: $42,383

CRP Contract 1: 129.04 acres
Annual CRP Payment: $39,657 ($307.32/acre)
Contract Expiration: 9/30/2027

CRP Contract 2: 8.80 acres
Annual CRP Payment $2,726 ($309.81/acre)
Contract Expiration: 9/30/2024


Clarion, Clarion-Storden, Colo, Coland-Terril, Nicollet, Webster, Wadena, Estherville-Hawick, Belview, Omstrud-Storden, Terril and Cylinder

Surety/Agridata Avg

Avg. CSR2: 77.7
Avg. CSR1: 63.5

Real Estate Taxes


Listing Agent

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